During the two ill weeks I did absolutely zero physical activity and my muscles tightened up big time. The muscles holding my knees together were so tight that it was painful to ride. I was a little concerned so I paid a visit to Dirk, my Physical Therapist, who told me that there is no reason to be alarmed, I just needed to get loosened up. So I massaged and stretched the heck out of my legs for two weeks in preparation for the Chico Wildflower ride. The ride was yesterday and there was a strong presence from the Ride Ataxia Cycling Team.

There were many options for the ride. A century (100 miles), 65 miler, flat 60 miler, flat 30 miler. John was the only brave soul to complete the century (his first century), congratulations John! A few of our group modified the century route to complete about 85 miles, some of us did the flat 60 miler which turned into about 75 after we got lost, hooray! And a couple in our group completed the 30 miler, congratulations ladies!
The weather was fantastic and we all had a great time. We enjoyed a large meal and massages at the end.
Today I was very tight but it could have been much worse. I am headed back to see Dirk to make sure I continue to stay loose!
1 comment:
Loose is GOOD, maybe that's why I like to stretch so much?
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