Day 4
Madera to Fresno
25 miles
Day 4 was a short day. We took it easy and had a nice team lunch courtesy of Outback Steakhouse. They fed us great food and we didn't have to clean up!

Me and Sean at Outback
We met another ataxia friend at Outback. This is Mike Betchel and his Mother Beth. Mike and I met at the NAF annual membership meeting in San Diego a couple years ago. Mike has an undiagnosed type of ataxia and he was diagnosed at age 2. Undiagnosed means that clinically the diagnosis is ataxia but the gene marker has not been discovered for this type of ataxia.

That night we stayed at the People's Church in Fresno. They were gracious enough to let us use their showers and we had a roof over our head for the night. The best part is that we saved some cash by sleeping on the floor!

Day 5
Fresno to Hanford
49.75 miles
I dragged along for 50 miles today. My legs were aching by mile 10 and would not quit. I could not sustain a speed of over 10 mph for more than 15 that was pretty frustrating. It felt like my brakes were on the whole time but I checked and rechecked and everything was cool. I guess I was pretty tired and maybe I didnt eat enough this morning. Another factor is that I put a new seat on my trike last night and it may have changed the configuration enough to make a difference. Either way, I made it. So did everyone else and they all had less trouble. Other than a crash resulting in minor scrapes and bruises we are all safe and well.
We had dinner at Ryan's Place right by the hotel.

And then we went out to a local ice cream shop. There is a faint smell of Dairy everywhere in this town so the ice cream was pretty fresh...mmmmmmmmboy!

This is a small scoop!

"Faint smell of dairy" means gentle wafting of COW, not nummy creamy goodness. Mmmmmm. Or should that be mmmmoooo?
Following along with you all! John has joined you for the rest of the ride, let him blog one night! Wish we were there, sorry we are such wimps~
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