Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New Teammates

Check it out. If you look to the right hand column you will notice that we have added quite a few new teammates. We now have over 30 teammates. Some teammates are cycling for one day and some are cycling for all 13. We're going to have a lot of fun fighting this disease.

Team Training:
We are all on our own for day to day training but our preliminary goal is to be ready for our Team Training Ride, Feb 16 from Discovery Park to Folsom Lake and back. See a map of the 60+ mile route here: http://www.sacparks.net/our-parks/american-river-parkway/docs/Parkway.... We will start the training ride at 830am and we will try to treat it like a normal day on the road.

One more thing: Thanks to team members Linda and Andy Johnson, we have this sweet elevation profile of the route: http://www.lindaj.org/fa/bikeprofile.cfm. This map gives you a pretty good idea about what we are up against...


  1. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Cool more team mates! Because I'm in Texas I will NOT be able to make the training ride on Feb. 16th, but I will atempt do do my oun 60 mile day ride.

  2. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Thanks for the good example! You are teaching me things I did not know and inspiring at the same time.
