Monday, March 05, 2007

Uncle Steve Chimes In

Kyle has invited me to be a guest blogger . Hey thanks Kyle.

I came to this ride with no expectations, because I’d never participated in a road ride of this sort. Well it’s turning out to be a great experience. Once you get used to the cars flyin by, the riding becomes a lot of fun.
The best part of this trip is the fact we I mean I really don’t have to do anything , but ride all day and eat a lot of food.
Kyle doesn’t get to relax near as much. He is constantly preparing for the next reception, or answering calls and e-mails from well wishers.
The amazing thing I see happening is that because of this ride Kyle is becoming a source of hope for many ataxia sufferers and their families. When seen first hand how F.A. , or other Ataxia, affects the body you can understand how many people would just give up and let it run its course. As Diane would say “that aint happenin with the Bryant family." To see Kyle, Mike, and Diane give so much to make this ride, for Ataxia research, a success is truly VERY COOL.
On the lighter side……. I want to give a tip of the bike helmet to the crew @ Tour of Nevada City bike shop. They donated a large quantity of a product called “chamois butter”. Two packets of this stuff in your bike shorts each morning and it’s smooth sailin all day long.
Hi to all the folks @ Turner Mtn. I’ve decided to stay for the whole ride so I won’t be back in Libby till the end of March. Save me a few lines of the good stuff.
Also hi to the wed. nite Mtn. bikers. I’m gettin into ridin shape early this year. So lets do something really hard on our first ride.
Last, but most , hi to Mom, Carson, Aren, Ashley, Mike and Kasen ,who is almost 8 mos old. as of this blog. Take care, love you guys.




  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    You rule Dad!!! We miss you, but are so proud of all of you!!!

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Hey Kyle! A shot out to you and your crew from us in Martinez - you are awesome, you've got our love! Lots of people who came to the Round Table event have been asking about how you're doing and how the ride's going. Great job to all of you on the trip - We love ya!

  3. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Welcome aboard Uncle Steve

    This ride is truly a wonder --- FA is soon to be conquered!!!!!!


  4. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Good evening, my near friend! I've followed your blog and I've been happy and worried at the same time reading your problems and successes. I really looking forward to meet you and your parents. I'm ready to leave! See you soon. (don't be worried about Alessandro: he is tough boy)

  5. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Hi Kyle - I am a researcher (work on HIV) at Scripps La Jolla... watched you head out and have been following your progress every since. Keep on truckin!


  6. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Kyle ... you are amazing!!!

    Keep kicking ass!!!

    We miss you in SD!!

    Keep on truckin and we'll see you soon!!!

    Love, JennySue
