Thursday, March 15, 2007

Gettin' There

Wow, its been a while! We have covered about 200 miles since my last post and we are now in Greenville, MS.

After three days of riding with the Italians, Alessandro and Adriano, they have decided to travel alone and we parted ways this morning.

We have had some great days through the countryside and backroads in Mississippi. We cycled through about 55 miles of the Natchez trace which was just about the most beautiful place we have been. We got lost and found our way again on a day that was supposed to be a short one. Today we had another beautiful day near the Mississippi River and we are now watching barges go up and down the river out the window of the Desert Fox. Chuggin’ along. We have a rough plan for our approach which includes about 250 miles in 5 days, should be fun...


  1. Anonymous1:29 AM

    almost there brutha! stay strong. see you in memphis,and happy early St. Patrick's Day!!! -Dylan

  2. Anonymous10:30 AM

    250 miles - 5 days That's do-able ;) I've been missing riding with you guys, fix a couple flats in the rear - it feels low now that I'm home, again!(so does one of the fronts) Fun, fun, fun! All part of biking :0! Talk to ya later!!

  3. Kyle...I finally had extended internet access since I saw you off in San Diego...I just spent 3 hours or more reading through your ride! It is all so amazing. You have had so many great adventures. I'm hanging out with some of the boys for St. Patty's day in SD, we will be sure to drink one to you! Good luck with the last part of your ride! We're all rooting for you!

  4. Anonymous2:38 PM

    A OLA for the italian Piccolo diavolo!!!

    Te vommo bbene!!

  5. you're in the home stretch now! see you soon!!
