Sunday, February 25, 2007

New Teammates

Last friday was cloudy windy and hilly. We rode about twenty miles and called it a day. It was hard to push ourselves that day because we had not had a full rest day in about ten days and we had one coming the next day.
Taking a rest on the side of the road:

The next day we visited a bike shop and toured San Antonio. We saw the Alamo and found out why "Texans are so damn proud" (as some old guy told me).

Nice hair.

And we had dinner at the river walk which is probably the sweetest downtown area ever. This picture was taken from our restaurant table:

That night we picked up Uncle Steve at the airport who will be riding with us for an undetermined amount of time.

The next morning we met Dave and David Henry. David has ridden with us for the past two days and will be with us until next week. David is a fellow Ataxian. David does not know what kind of Ataxia he has, which is not uncommon. There are many different kinds of Ataxia and David was tested for about eight of the more common kinds including Friedreich's, the tests came out negative. David has all the signs of Ataxia and has been diagnosed with Ataxia but does not have a blood test to tell him exactly what type.
David kicks my one legged butt on the hills but I can take him in the flats.

The dream team:

The past two days have been great. There is some new energy in our day. The trip is getting long and there are new aches and pains every day but we are moving right along with the energy of friends and family.

Alright, check this out. My uncle has been wearing this little red dew rag so his head doesnt get burned:

Who does he look like...think:

Yeah, hillarious.


  1. Glad to see you guys have gained some energy with your new mates....

  2. that is great that david is riding with you :)

    and, totally non-blog related, there was a sixers-kings game in philly tonight. wish we could have gone! maybe next year :)

  3. Looking a little "Grizzly Wild" there mister man! I KNOW you have a razor with you..oh, wait a minute...your not supposed to shave JUST your legs with it! :-)

    Keep it goin', we're pulling for you!

  4. Anonymous1:07 PM

    your uncle rules almost as much as or equal to the pantsless man.

    yeaaaah! ride on!

  5. Yeah, if Kyle was 100% I don't think I could keep up this pace day after day!

  6. I have been reading for about a month and after your previous post figured I better get with the program.

    You are truly an inspiration and your ride is reaching so many people.

    I can imagine that after the trip through west Texas that San Antonio was looking like NYC or LA. San Antonio is one of my favorite cities - glad you got to enjoy it.

    Also, it is great to see you get some riders.

    I can't wait to meet you and your family in Memphis.
    Jen Farmer

  7. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Hey Kyle,
    I'm finally chiming in. Your so tuff bro! I'm glad that the weather has been nice for you guys. I hope it continues. I can't believe only 3 weeks left until the conference. Kyle, you make this ride look so easy, just like a pro.
    Can't wait to see you at the finish line. Tell everyone Hi.
    Love, Jina

  8. Now there is proof that I am riding or at least peddling along with you guys.
